Lifeguard Classes
To become a Lifeguard, candidates must undergo months of training and classes. Canadian standards for lifeguards are set very high and only strong swimmers with a good knowledge base and skill level in first aid will complete the program. The course is set up into a number of classes and prerequisites. The higher the course the more advanced the training will be. This site will outline the necessary courses and prerequisites to become a Lifeguard.
First Aid Training:
Participants wanting to become lifeguards must successfully complete a variety of courses. Prior to beginning the program candidates should enroll into one of the main perquisites of the final life guarding course which is standard first aid. Standard first aid is a 16 hour course that includes training in CPR. CPR level “C” trains candidates in CPR for adult, child and infant patients.
Rookie Patrol
Participants should have a strong foundation of swimming and basic rescue skills. These skills can be gained in the Lifesaving Society’s rook patrol program which will be covered in detail on this website.
Lifesaving Society Bronze Program
Mandatory prerequisites to becoming a Lifeguard include taking at least Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross. Bronze Medallion is a prerequisite for Bronze Cross. Candidates under the age of 13 must take Bronze Star as a prerequisite for Bronze Medallion.
National Lifesaving Service
This is the final course to becoming a Lifeguard. Candidates must possess a valid standard first aid certificate and CPR level “C” training earned within the past year. Participants must also posses a Bronze Cross Certificate that is valid within the past 5 years.
Additional Courses
In Canada it is difficult for lifeguards to find employment with a current National Lifesaving Service (NLS) award. Participants should also become certified as water safety instructors (WSI) through the Canadian Red Cross. Courses include assistant water safety instruction which is a prerequisite to water safety instruction.
For more information about these courses scroll through this website to learn more about the Rookie patrol program, standard first aid, Bronze Cross, Bronze Medallion or NLS.